Maal, mis tantsib
Goltsman Balleti interdistsiplinaarne tantsulavastus on osa multimeedia näitusest #MONET2KLIMT
Näituse käigus klassikalise muusika saatel elustuvad Gustav Klimti, Claude Monet ning Vincent van Goghi kujundid mitte ainult ekraanidel, vaid ka ruumis. Muusika ja liikumine, maalikunst ja video: suland, kooskõla, harmoonia. Ekraanil liikuvad kujundid, ruumis liikuvad kehad, muusikat kõlab õhus. Maalikunsti ja liikumise suland, mis ümbritseb vaatjaid ning viib neid endaga kaasa värvilisse ja maagilisse maailma.
Etenduse kestus 45 min
Dancing Painting
Multimedia performance “Dancing painting” has been created in Autumn 2017 in collaboration between Goltsman Ballet and Monet2Klimt video exhibition in Tallinn, Estonia.
The exhibition Monet2Klimt consists of over 130 works of Oscar-Claude Monet, Vincent Willem van Gogh and Gustav Klimt and through the digital seeing each visitor is having unique opportunity to feel the Van Gogh’s post-impressionism colors and vision of art; see the patterns and canvas layers of the impressionism of Monet; understand the controversial Art Nouveau and symbolism of Klimt. The authors of exhibition digitalized the paintings, took them into layers, put the static pictures to move and flow in an all-round-space of the room.
The idea of the performance is to integrate dance movement into digitalized painting. The painters, who were pioneers in making postulates and direction of change from ‘classical’ into ‘modern’ art, were the main impulse in putting up the movement structure of performance: starting from classical ballet, passing neoclassic going into contemporary movement and improvisation.
To represent movement, art of painting uses the rhythm and visual repeating of lines and contours. It helps to construct an illusion of motion and brings the temporal aspect into a static piece of art. Monet2Klimt implements this principle into their “pictures coming alive”, making accents on repetitive images either covering step by step the whole exhibition space, or bringing out one small detail and multiply it into many similar moving objects implemented into the canvas of the field of digital moving painting.
At the same time, different stops, poses and fixations in dance help it to visualize the movement, to capture the space, to merge into the image. The movement is influenced by visuals more than music, it is first connected to the both topics of the paintings as well as to the visual itself.